What is prode.eth?

prode.eth it’s a decentralized and permissionless bet market. What does it means?

  • that anyone can create a betting market

  • that anyone can verify that the market it’s well configured and valid according to its category guidelines

  • that any user around the globe can bet on the results of the events of some or multiple markets.

  • anyone can provide the true event results to close a market

  • if you are the owner of the NFT of a winning bet, you will be able to claim the rewards.

You want to sponsor a market, there is room for you too, easily you can fund a market to increase the rewards pool and do not participate in the rewards.

From prode.eth we took the decision to have the front-end hosted in decentralized servers (IPFS), and using a decentralized ENS. This way, the frontend will be always available to anyone. Uncensored. If you want to be a frontend provider, with the same or a custom made front-end, you are encouraged to do it!.

In order to build this protocol, we use other decentralized and permission-less tools available in the ecosystem: Reality.eth and Kleros Curate, both protocols secured ultimately by the decentralized Kleros Courts.

What’s our goal? that the different users of the protocol be able to use their creativity and freedom to generate betting markets and to be able to always bet in those events, and of course be able to win some rewards while their participate.

Follow us in the analysis of each section of the protocol and the different ways to participate in it.

Getting Started

Guides: Jump right in

Follow our handy guides to get started on the basics as quickly as possible:

Minimum RequirementsProtect your privacyI want to be a market maker

Fundamentals: Dive a little deeper

Learn the fundamentals of prode.eth to get a deeper understanding of our main features:

MarketsMarket CurationReality.eth - Q&ABets

Last updated