I want to provide event answers
Providing events results itβs another way to participate in the prode.eth protocol. For that we have to go to a market in pending status that has events without answers or answers not confirmed yet.

Answer question

If you know about an event that has finished and have not its result, or you have found it surfing through the markets, you can provide the answer. To give an answer you will have to send a deposit, that will be returned if itβs the right answer. If the market creator has set a bounty for the answer provider and you provide the right answer, you will earn that bounty. If there is no bounty, you can still send the event answer, maybe with that answer you will be earning a point in the market ;-). The deposit that you put to provide the answer it's used to guarantee that you are giving the right answer. If you set an incorrect answer, another user can change the answer and receive your deposit. Check the next section in order to understand how you can change an answer and earn a bounty.
Answer to be confirmed

Have you found an event with a wrong answer?, itβs your moment to shine and send the correct answer. To send it, you will have to make a deposit that is the double of the current deposit in the answer. If yours is the final answer, you will earn the deposit of the wrong answer provider.
For both of these scenarios, you can send the answers using the prode.eth interface or from the reality.eth interface, whatever you found more useful.
Last updated